Friday, February 11, 2011

Ephraim Yacht Club, 2011 Ephraim Regatta

Please be the guest of the Ephraim Yacht Club at the 2011 Ephraim Regatta, the 106th consecutive Ephraim Regatta. Last year this was one of the largest Scot regattas in the country, with 30 boats entered. The EYC expects to host the 2012 Flying Scot Midwest District Championships, so the 2011 Ephraim Regatta will be a good way to gain some local knowledge in advance of that event.

The Ephraim Regatta takes place in a beautiful sailing venue (ask anyone who attended the award-winning 2009 NAC), and includes two excellent parties (with beer). We are an easy weekend trip for anyone in the Midwestern district.

The NOR, Welcome and Information Letter, and Registration Form are now posted at

Contact me with questions:

Hope to see you there!

Jay Lott
FS 5698
Ephraim Regatta Chairman