Thursday, January 18, 2018

This Made Me THink of the Carlyle Lake Event a Few Years Ago...

I remember when there was that terrible crash between a motorboat and Shirley Bild's boat while she was teaching sailing. It was so very hard for me to imagine how that could possibly happen, and when you watch this video you can't believe it. But here it is, in full color.....Ugh...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sad Sad News for the Flying Scot Family

For those of you who traveled east at all, many of you will know Tom Hohler, who died today. Tom was always smiling and telling great stories. He was a bulldog of a man who loved to sail and loved his sailing friends. My first memory of him - and one that many share - is hearing him bellow on the race course. Being a relatively new sailor, I asked my skipper, "what did we do what did we do?" And he said, don't worry about it, we're fine, which we were. Turns out, that's just Tom's voice!!!
We will miss him terribly...He was so young....

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Weather Outside is Frightening ....

Photo Courtesy of the Eagle Creek Facebook page

While the weather has been brutally cold here in the Midwest (I’m talking negative numbers in the double digits. What is this, Minnesota?!), that doesn’t mean it’ll never warm up. Some day it will be sailing weather again. And to that end, on New Year’s Day I cracked open my new calendar (Yes, I still use a paper calendar. It’s not old-fashioned, it’s retro and, thus, hip) and scheduled the coming season’s regattas. Doesn’t every Flying Scot sailor do that?!

Anyway, to that end, I thought I’d post this schedule that District Governor Bronson Bowling sent me several months ago.  You’ll see that some of the Midwest District regattas have shifted to make room for the North Americans which will be held in Rush Creek, TX, in June.
Also note the Midwest Districts are at Ephraim this year. I'd also encourage you to consider the regatta in Jefferson City, MO. It's really important to support our fledgling fleets!!

So put as many of these on your calendar as you can and keep the faith. The temperature will rise above freezing eventually!!

GWBR - Eustis FL (Feb 17 -18)

Mid-winters Championship - Sarasota FL (March 24-29)

Chattanooga Privateer - 4th weekend in April?

Great 48 - Lake Norman (TBD May 5-6)

Memorial Day Regatta - Little Rock, AR (May 26-27)

Pig Roast - Cowan Lake  (June 2-3) 

North American Championships (Heath TX - June 10-14)

Egyptian Cup Regatta at CSA Carlyle IL (June 22-24)

Indy Regatta - Eagle Creek Yacht Club - (June 30-July 1)

Sheraton Shores, Chicago IL (Tentative last weekend in July (TBA-Race Week))

Ephraim Regatta and Midwest District Championship (August 4-5)

Smackdown CLSA Vs CSA (Mid-Augustish)

Mayors Cup - Jefferson City, MO - NEW FLEET UNDER CONSTRUCTION (TBD Sept 8-9)

CSA Whale of a Sail - Carlyle (TBD but likely Sept 16-17)

Great Scot - Birmingham AL (Sept 22-23)

Glow -  Clinton Lake (Sept 29-30)

Fall 48 - Lake Norman (TBD Nov 4-5)

Gator Bowl - Jacksonville FL (Dec 1-2)