Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Two More Races in Peppy Wind

Okay, two more races and I'm ecstatic to report we sailed them back to back!!! We had winds between 10-15 and two hour-long, five-leg races. Can't ask for more than that, though if I WERE going to complain I would say in the second race the pressure was much more up and down, which can be a pain in the keister, especially for crew who has to manage her weight. Up and down and up and down, but it was fun, really!!

It was impressive (or demoralizing, depending on your perspective) to watch the leaders (the Lintons, the Horowitzes and Tyler Andrews and Bill Bruss (our housemates!!!) just walk away today. The real highlight of the day was at 4:12 when Bill Bruss made everyone in our house painkillers. The bad tacks go away quickly after a sip or two. We all feel Caribbean-ized now! We are almost all showered (looking at you, John Kreidler) and looking forward to tonight's annual meeting. Now we are drinking ... the painkillers are taking effect .... cheers!

Tomorrow? one more race, Tyler and Bill are just one point out of the lead. Go Team!!

Results are here:

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